Tulane COVID Antibody Testing (or Long COVID/CSI studies)

Here you will find results from spike antibody testing for subjects participating in the Tulane IRB (2020-585) approved study: Seroepidemiology and Immunity of COVID-19 in Southern Louisiana. This includes the Tulane University Long COVID Study.

Instructions: Look up your testing results for presence of spike antibodies by your unique study ID. If you are unclear which study ID is yours or have other question, please contact the study team at SeroEpiCovid@tulane.edu or cobaltcovid@wave.tulane.edu. The date of visit is also included for your unique study ID

 Information about the spike antibody test: 

  1. The test we are using is not a perfect test, it is not FDA approved, and is a test being used for research purposes only. 
  2. This is NOT a test which should be used for a medical diagnosis. 
  3. There may be false positives (where you test positive, but you have not actually been exposed) and false negatives (where you test negative, but you actually have been exposed). 
  4. At this time, we do not know if having antibody protects you from being infected again and/or becoming sick with the virus. 
  5. You should not use the results from this research study to inform your medical treatment. 
  6. Results will be posted for the last 4 months of testing only.

Thank you for your participation in this study! 

Antibody Testing Results:

Updated: 5/21/24

Results Code Spike antibodies Visit date
5981 Positive 11/14/23
2686 Positive 11/14/23
17998 Positive 11/14/23
1170 Positive 11/14/23
1677 Positive 11/15/23
7120 Positive 11/28/23
7362 Positive 11/28/23
2951 Positive 11/28/23
6584 Positive 11/28/23
3714 Positive 11/29/23
3388 Positive 11/29/23
9397 Positive 11/29/23
4462 Positive 12/04/23
3662 Positive 12/05/23
5950 Positive 12/12/23
3759 Positive 12/13/23
6860 Positive 12/13/23

Publications or Manuscripts From Ongoing U54 Serpent Project COVID Studies:

  1. Huang Z, Ning B, Yang HS, Youngquist BM, Niu A, Lyon CJ, Beddingfield BJ, Fears AC, Monk CH, Murrell AE, Bilton SJ, Linhuber JP, Norton EB, Dietrich ML, Yee JK, Lai W, Scott JW, Yin XM, Rappaport J, Robinson JE, Saba NS, Roy CJ, Zwezdaryk KJ, Zhao Z, Hu TY. Sensitive tracking of circulating viral RNA through all stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection. J Clin Invest. 2021 Feb 9;. doi: 10.1172/JCI146031. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33561010.
  2. Schieffelin JS, Norton EB, Kolls JK. What should define a SARS-CoV-2 “breakthrough” infection?. J Clin Invest. 2021 Jun 15;131(12). doi: 10.1172/JCI151186. PubMed PMID: 33974565; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8203469.
  3. Dietrich M.L., Norton E.B., Elliott D., Smira A.R., Rouelle J.A., Bond N.G., Aime-Marcelin K., Prystowsky A., Kemnitz R., Sarma A., Himmelfarb S.T., Sharma N., Stone A.E., Craver R., Lindrose A.R., Smitley L.A., Uddo R.B., Myers L., Drury S.S., Schieffelin J.S., Robinson J.E., Zwezdaryk K.J. SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence Rates of Children in Louisiana During the State Stay at Home Order. Journal of Clinical Virology Plus. 2021 Dec; 1:4. PMID: 35262027. Published online 2021 Nov 14. doi: 10.1016/j.jcvp.2021.100047
  4. Amelie E.Murrell, Ewono Eyoh, Jeffrey G. Shaffer, Monika L. Dietrich, Ivy V. Trinh, Thomas J. Yockachonis, Shuangyi Bai, Crystal Y. Zheng, Celia V. Mayne, Sofia E. Cabrera, Anyssa Aviles-Amaro, Addison E. Stone, Saraswatie Rambaran, Sruti Chandra, Debra H.Elliott, Ashley R. Smira, Sara N. Harris, Katharine E. Olson, Samantha J. Bilton, Medea J.Gabriel, Nicole D. Falgout, Emily J. Engel, Alisha D. Prystowsky, Bo Ning, Tony Hu, Jay K.Kolls, Samuel J. Landry, Stacy S. Drury, John S. Schieffelin, Kevin J. Zwezdaryk, James E.Robinson, Bronwyn M. Gunn, Elizabeth B. Norton. Antibody Responses In Non-Severe SARS-CoV-2 Infections Are Driven By CD4+ T cells and Age. In submission, Preprint: medRxiv 2022.04.22.22274032; doi:https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.04.22.22274032. 
  5. Seifert SN, Bai S, Fawcett S, Norton EB, Zwezdaryk KJ, et al. (2022) An ACE2-dependent Sarbecovirus in Russian bats is resistant to SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. PLOS Pathogens 18(9): e1010828. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1010828
  6. Bo Ning 1,2, Sutapa Chandra1,2, Juniper Rosen1,2, Evan Multala1,2, Melvin Argrave1,2, Lane Pierson1,2, Ivy Trinh3, Chris J. Lyon1,2, Matthew Escarra4, Stacy Drury 5,6, Elizabeth B. Norton3 and Tony Hu1,2* .Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 specific T cell activation with a point-of-care on-chip IGRA. Accepted at ACS Nano. 


Results Flyers:

CSI March 2022 Newsletter

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